Göteborg, Sweden
Technology consultant Sweco with approximately 14,500 employees and assignments in more than 100 countries, are specialists in the fields of technology, the environment and architecture. When it came to their new offices, in other words, the demands were high. Just last summer, their Gothenburg office moved into new premises within walking distance of the city’s central railway station. This was a very deliberate choice, a commuter-friendly location that is entirely in line with Sweco’s aims for sustainability.
At the moment 850 people work in the Gothenburg office and the premises in their current form have space for an additional 30. With 14 square metres per person, the space is used extremely efficiently.
Christina Gunnarsson is an interior designer charged with managing the interiors and furnishings at Sweco. Besides the companies’ own offices, she has plenty of experience of designing public spaces from care and higher education settings to a modern church. Nor is it the first time that she has worked with Lammhults.
“The heart of our Gothenburg office is the Living Room,
a meeting place adjoining the entrance hall. About twenty of the meeting rooms, a lecture theatre and the staff canteen are located around the Living Room. In total the office has 75
meetings rooms and 70 conference rooms. One fun detail is the names of the meeting rooms which are all derived from our operations; here we meet in Skissen (the sketch) or sit down in Bussen (the bus). Furniture from Lammhults is found in principle in all the meeting rooms and an impressive 50% of all the furniture is recyclable. Chairs such as Comet, Archal, Add and Spira have a timeless design and quality which means they last for many years and in different environments,” says Christina.
As stated, sustainability is key in the project. The building is BREEAM-certified and the location was chosen to encourage commuting by public transport or by bike. Sweco also won an award for being the most bike-friendly workplace in Gothenburg in 2015.
“We stand for sustainable development and we want to practice what we preach. That also affects our choice of interior. We have worked with Lammhults’ furniture for several years. They stand for innovative Scandinavian design and sustainability over time in quality and design alike and that’s something we value – both for our own office and for customer projects. The partnership has also worked well and I appreciate the opportunity to
get help with sample pieces of furniture or to be able to bring customers to a local showroom to see and touch the products.”