Precise seams in constructions and exact details contribute to determining the value of upholstered furniture. Kinga has been a part of the team at Lammhults since 2007, initially as a fabric cutter and now as an upholstery seamstress within the product development team.
“I meet the designers to exchange thoughts on how the fabric should be cut and hemmed for best fit, what opportunities there are to create hidden seams or decorative stitches that are design elements in themselves. I find it very rewarding to contribute with my knowledge about fabrics and sewing techniques to the finished products.” Kinga

The basis of this is several years of experience working with fabrics and leather, an understanding of how to best combine the pieces, and extreme dexterity for the fine seams of the fabric and leather.

“Sewing the same model, but in different fabric qualities poses challenges that require understanding and experience of how to achieve perfect results once the product is upholstered. Our models are all tightly fitted and the results have to be perfectly even.” Kinga